making art
Fantasizer Fantasy names Food Languages Letters

Inventing Names From Scratch

There are lots of ways companies get their names. One of the bolder routes to go down when choosing a company name, however, is a fantasy name. Can’t think of anything suitable? Just make something up!
house searching
Languages Fruit names Technology Naming

Brand Naming with Real Word Names

Although many companies use acronyms, portmanteau constructions, or other “artificial” names, there is a remarkably simple method of naming a new business – one that several of the world’s largest companies have used, too.
project names Software

How to find project names and names for software versions

Names for projects and names for software versions have one thing in common: They are needed regularly, but at long intervals. This means: it is known that a lot of names will be needed. It is not, however, known how many names it will be over the years, or what the exact characteristics of the projects or products will be.
Anagrams Ideas Funny Naming

Anagrams in Business Names

Whether intended or not, the letters of many well known business names can be rearranged so that new meanings emerge. Boeing can be reordered to make Big One, Pringles Chips becomes Crisp Helpings, DreamWorks is Mad Workers, and Toyota's Camry changes to My Car.
cautious dog
Domains Funny Control Center Hidden Words

The Most Embarrassing Brand Names - and how to Avoid Them

A name is the best advertisement of any company or product. It is all the more embarrassing when one makes a severe blunder when choosing a name; since a name change can be complex and also costly. Some companies have nevertheless in the past managed to step out into the public with such embarrassing names that we want to share with you...
Blog Brand names Business names Languages Naming

Germany: The Promised Land of Naming Expertise

If there’s one thing that the economic ups and downs have reminded the world of, it’s that Germany is an industrious, productive nation which supplies companies and consumers across the planet with everything from Mercedes and BMWs to the screws for those little hinges on the door of your mini beer-fridge. And given that Germany is so creative when it comes to making products, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that they’re very good at making product names to match.