Finding a Name for a Technology Blog

Computers, smartphones, and technology in general are now a part of our everyday lives. That's why more and more blogs have technology as their main focus. They present the latest developments in tech, review smartphones and recommend gadgets. Let's take a look at the names that technology bloggers have chosen for their businesses.


Computers, smartphones, and technology are a part of our everyday lives. That's why more and more blogs have technology as their main focus. They present the latest developments in tech, review smartphones and recommend gadgets. Let's take a look at the names that technology bloggers have chosen for their businesses.

Like an Open Book: Descriptive Technology Blog Names

Finding a name for a technology blogMany blogs are very open at first glance about the topic they deal with. Often, the blog's name will quickly disclose the content of the blog.

Take Engadget, for example. It provides daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics – exactly what it says on the tin. In recent years it has become an international enterprise with ten sub-blogs. Four of them are written in English, and six are in other languages.

Another example of a "speaking" tech blog name is TechCrunch. It's a technology news site that provides information on start-ups. Profiling start-ups, reviewing new internet products, and providing breaking tech news is their main focus. An analysis by the naming expert "The Name Inspector" calls the blog's name "big and heavy and not so pretty, but it’s serious and it gets the job done".

Lifehacker is another example of a blog name that tells you directly in the title what the content of the blog is about. It's a platform that informs users about software and personal productivity by recommending downloads, websites, and shortcuts that help people work smarter and save time. The term "hacking" is usually applied to infiltrating a computer program. Similarly, "lifehacking" means finding tricks and loopholes to improve your productivity in everyday life.

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Hidden in Plain Sight: Creative Blog Names

Besides descriptive names, there are also many blogs that employ a different naming strategy: Having a name which does not directly offer an explanation what the topic of the platform is. While these names are a bit harder for the uninformed reader to get into, they are often clever or unique and can transform into a strong brand name.

One example of a clever blog name is Mashable, one of the most visited technology blogs in the world. Mashable founder Pete Cashmore saw a "mashups" trend on the web when he launched the website. "These days, virtually everything on the web is remixable… Mashable, in other words", he says when asked about the origins of Mashable's name.

One of the most prominent gaming websites is Kotaku – once dealing solely with Eastern-developed games. "Otaku" is the Japanese word for "nerd" or "obsessive fan," while the prefix "ko-" means "small." Nowadays, Kotaku has branched out more, which would be harder to do with a descriptive name like, for example, "AsiaGameReviews".

The technology news website The Verge also has a name that shows its ingenuity only at second glance. While not a tech name per se, once you take a closer look you realize how appropriate the name is. The Verge covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture – it's literally on the verge of several different topics, taking a look at all of them.

There are different types of names in all industries, and even if a random name can work, bloggers should be thinking about a unique brand name. And with great creativity – whether it's descriptive or more mysterious. Bloggers should also remember to take issues such as trademark law into account when naming their blogs. NameRobot's name checks in the Control Center can help with deciding on the right idea.

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