Drunk German Words

We Germans love our beer – and our language represents that. We found 10 drinking-related German words and translated them into English for you. Their literal translations will be quite unexpected!


Be prepared for some hilarious drunk German words and find out why a "gulp pecker" will suffer from a "murder tomcat" the next morning! Enjoy!


Polterabend (literal translation: "rumble evening") – Eve-of-the-wedding party.


sternhagelvoll (literal translation: "star-hail-full") – Extremely drunk, wasted.


Bierernst (literal translation: "beer seriousness") – Being deadly serious.


Trinkgeld (literal translation: "drink money") – A tip for good service.


Stammtisch (literal translation: "tribe table") – Group of regulars (at a bar or club).


Mordskater (literal translation: "murder tomcat") – The worst hangover you ever had.


Schluckspecht (literal translation: "gulp pecker") – Someone who can drink a lot of booze.


Feierabend (literal translation: "feast evening") – Closing time or the time after work.


Filmriss (literal translation: "movie tear") – A blackout from drinking to much.

Schnapsidee (literal translation: "liquor idea") –  A crazy idea – doesn't even have to involve booze.

Schnapsidee (literal translation: "liquor idea") – A crazy idea – doesn't even have to involve booze.


Like to discover more funny names? Then check out our fun name generators for cocktail names, bubble tea names or cupcake names.

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